圖片中:泰國 LGBTQ+ 夫婦登記結婚,因為法律賦予他們平等地位


對於泰國的 LGBTQ+ 情侶來說,這是一個重要而歡樂的日子!




A couple from the LGBTQ+ community parade to a hall after the Marriage Equality Act took effect in Bangkok, Thailand, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025.
2025 年 1 月 23 日星期四,泰國曼谷《婚姻平權法案》生效後,一對來自 LGBTQ+ 社群的夫婦遊行到大廳。圖片來源:美聯社照片
Kwanporn Kongpetch, left, and Ploynaplus Chirasukon from the LGBTQ+ community show their marriage certificates after the Marriage Equality Act.
來自 LGBTQ+ 群體的 Kwanporn Kongpetch(左)和 Ploynaplus Chirasukon 在《婚姻平等法案》頒布後展示了他們的結婚證書。圖片來源:美聯社照片
Pisit Sirihirunchai, left, and Chanatip Sirihirunchai from the LGBTQ+ community show their marriage certificates after the Marriage Equality Act
來自 LGBTQ+ 群體的 Pisit Sirihirunchai(左)和 Chanatip Sirihirunchai 在《婚姻平等法》頒布後展示結婚證圖片來源:美聯社照片
Rungtiwa Thangkanopast (fourth from right) and Phanlavee (right, last name withheld) pose with family members after the Marriage Equality Act took effect in Bangkok, Thailand.
《婚姻平權法》在泰國曼谷生效後,Rungtiwa Thangkanopast(右四)和 Phanlavee(右,隱姓)與家人合影。圖片來源:美聯社照片
Couples from the LGBTQ+ community wait for their marriage certificates as the Marriage Equality Act takes effect.
隨著《婚姻平權法》生效,LGBTQ+ 族群的夫婦正在等待領取結婚證書。圖片來源:美聯社照片
A couple from the LGBTQ+ community wait to sign their marriage certificates as the Marriage Equality Act takes effect
《婚姻平權法》生效後,一對 LGBTQ+ 群體的夫婦正在等待簽署結婚證書圖片來源:美聯社照片
Couples from the LGBTQ+ community wait to sign their marriage certificates as the Marriage Equality Act takes effect
隨著《婚姻平權法》生效,LGBTQ+ 族群的夫妻等待簽署結婚證書圖片來源:美聯社照片